The Nine Worthy Steps described below
represent our approach to advancing our native Folkway.
As modern Heathens we face a daunting task. How do we
reconstruct what was taken from our People? How do we
return members of our Folk to the ways and world-view of our
pre-conversion Ancestors? How do we transition from the
mainstream culture within which we were raised, to the culture
and values that are natural and appropriate to who we really
are? What steps are necessary for building something
lasting for both ourselves and the generations to
nine steps are not the only deeds that can advance
our Folkway forward. This list and the brief
descriptions of each step are simply a method of outlining the
work that many tribal Heathens are doing at this very
moment. Much more could be said about each deed and,
with time and experience, we will of course learn more about
what needs to be done and how to do it. But, these nine
worthy steps are the focus of the work being done by Jotun's
Bane Kindred and many other good Heathen individuals,
families, and kindreds among our People. |
every step is right or beneficial for every group, and some of these
steps may not be possible at this current time. Click on any of the steps
above to go directly to a detailed description of that step, or
continue scrolling down to read more about each of these steps
in turn.
We must bring positive attention to
our Folkway, making it easier for members of our Folk to find
Heathenry, learn more about it, and become actively
The vast majority of our Folk do not even
know that Heathenry exists, let along what it is, what we do,
and for what we stand. They are in the thrall of the
foreign religion or, being dissatisfied with it, have run to
another foreign religion, or become agnostic or atheist.
These members of our Folk are lost in darkness, whether they
realize it or not. It is up to us to shine a light into
that darkness, and serve as a beacon so that our People can
find their way home. But, how do we do this?
It is not difficult to share resources and
information on-line and through other forms of
communication. Outreach can take many forms. As a
heathen individual, family, or kindred we can make ourselves
available to new Heathens in our local area giving them some
guidance and advice by phone or in person. We can start
study groups or hold local Heathen events that allow those
that are curious or new to Heathenry a way to actually meet
other Heathens and learn more. We can schedule classes
and workshops on Heathen topics at a local bookstore, coffee
shop, or community college. We can share links to
existing resource websites, assist with the improvement of
these websites, or start our own. We can even blog or
post about our own beliefs and practices, and what they mean
for us in our lives. |
When we
encounter someone curious or new to Heathenry, we can give them a
good first impression. Be understanding of the fact they are
new, and give them information and advice without attempting to
demean or alienate them. If we live honorable lives of worth,
when new Heathens contact or encounter us they will see by our
example that living by the values and beliefs of our Folkway makes
our lives more natural, fulfilling, and successful. Bringing
more members of our People home to their native ways and world-view
takes a lot of time and effort. But, it is the first step in advancing our
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We must encourage our families to become involved in
our Folkway, and structure all of our efforts to encourage other
families to become involved.
step can be difficult for some depending on their situation.
Many individuals find Heathenry later in life, and while they
embrace our native Folkway - their spouse may not. It is not
advisable or healthy to attempt to force or coerce your spouse to
convert. Even if your spouse never converts, always make sure
they know they are welcome at Heathen activities or gatherings you
attend. Many kindreds have non-Heathen spouses that attend all
the events and truly enjoy interacting with everyone there.
Heathenry is more than just a set of religious beliefs and
practices. Heathenry is a world-view, or a way of looking at
things. It is a culture and a set of values that anyone can
benefit from, even if they are not particularly religious. So,
making sure non-Heathen spouses feel welcome and included is an
important part of getting families involved in
In other
cases, non-Heathen spouses do become Heathen over time.
Usually, interacting with other Heathens face-to-face convinces them
that Heathenry is a positive and healthy belief system.
Sometimes they see the positive changes it makes in their Heathen
spouse, and this convinces them to become practicing Heathens
themselves. But, this is something that is their decision, and
it happens in its own time. It requires a very intentional
patience, as well as a high level of communication and understanding
to smoothly transition a family in its entirety back to the native ways of
families involved, brings depth, strength, and longevity to the
results of our efforts on behalf of our Folkway. Families
honoring the Gods together and working side by side, can accomplish
more than individuals can alone. Kindreds with families
involved, tend to be more stable than kindreds without families
involved. In addition, no matter how much you accomplish in
this life, it is nothing compared to what your children, and their
children, and so on...can accomplish when they add their own efforts
and deeds on top of the foundation you have created for them.
Involving our families in our ways, practices, and traditions is the second step in advancing our
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We must form stable local
kindreds made up of dedicated Heathen families and individuals of
worth, with a focus on building a state of true Frith among those
Once Heathens within a local area
reach out to each other and begin to build bonds of
friendship and loyalty, it often leads to the formation
of kin-groups or tribes of loyal, like-minded, and
hardworking Heathen families and individuals.
within these groups is clearly defined, and they are usually based
on some form of kindred-oath or obligation. The Heathen
families and individuals within each kindred share Frith, meaning
that every accomplishment is celebrated as a group, every hardship
is faced as a group, and everyone involved shares collective Gefrain, Luck,
Kindreds made up of multiple families and
individuals offer a level of encouragement and support to
their members that is similar to what one would expect from a
close-knit and
extended family. Over time, kindred traditions, beliefs, and practices form and
evolve that represent the shared expectations and understandings of
the group, based on trial and error and their
collective experiences. Involvement in an active kindred provides a context
for living one's Heathen life that cannot be provided by any other
structure. |
local kindreds are the grassroots engine that make things happen
within modern Heathenry, at both the local level and the regional
level. The frith and strong bonds of loyalty and friendship
they share, combined with the various strengths, talents, and skills
brought together within the group, allow kindreds to accomplish
things that Heathen individuals, families, and even local
communities cannot make happen. Kindreds host both local and
regional gatherings and they create and provide resources for other
Heathens. They also provide a point of contact for new Heathen
families and individuals in their area, and host open events in their area that local Heathens
Many of
the remaining Worthy Steps are made easier, or can only happen,
through the efforts of hard-working and dedicated
to top of page)
We must build bonds among our
Folk at the local grassroots level, bringing together Heathen
individuals, families, and kindreds for local events, such as coffee-shop
moots, pubmoots, study groups, Heathen workshops, fainings/blots,
pot-luck dinners followed by symbel, and other welcoming,
community-building activities.
pre-conversion Ancestors
focused heavily on both family and community. Bringing
together Heathen individuals, families, and kindreds at the
local level, provides the opportunity for face-to-face Heathenry in
our daily lives. This lessens our dependence on the internet
for interaction with others that share our beliefs and world-view. Creating
local communities based on friendship, respect, and
loyalty brings into existence a network of community-wide local support where none
local communities give
us other Heathens of worth with which we can talk, study, honor
our Gods, exchange ideas, interact socially, and help each other
when help is needed. Many of the values and concepts within the
world-view we are reconstructing involve how to interact honorably with
other people and groups we encounter in our lives. Interacting
with local Heathens gives us the chance to be around people that
share an understanding of these concepts and values, and who live by
them as well. This is a rewarding experience for adults, but
it also allows our children to observe and learn from
as Heathen families can often accomplish more than a single
individual, Heathen communities working together can often
accomplish more than a single family could. If these
local communities bring together a number of local
kindreds to pool their knowledge, experience, and manpower, there is
almost no limit to what they can accomplish both
locally and regionally. These local communities also provide an excellent
environment for new Heathen individuals and families to become more fully involved in
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We must share practical
information between individuals, families, local Heathen
communities, and kindreds regarding personal practices, group
practices and traditions, and organizational methods, with an
understanding that we can learn from each others experiences, but
that we will likely all do things differently.
Scholarly study and understanding of the
Lore and world-view of our ancestors is important. But,
there is a deep need for the sharing of practical how-to
information among those practicing our Folkway. How to
local community, how to start a kindred, tribal dynamics within a
group, the role of a Chieftain or Godhi within
a kindred, information on how to maintain a kindred
and its traditions, building relationships with other Heathen in your
region, or tips regarding Heathen marriages and families. The choice of topics
The motivation for sharing
this practical information should be to simply help others
learn from your experiences. It is not about
It is not about making people do things your
way. It is not about creating divisions within our
native Folkway. Those receiving the information will use what works
for them, and they should discard that information that does not work
them. |
The sharing of information should be a give and
take, back and forth between Heathens and Heathen groups, allowing
all of them to learn from successes and failures of those Heathens
they know and trust. The reciprocal exchange of information
allows individuals and groups to build on each other's knowledge
Information shared between Heathens that
actually know each other on a face-to-face basis, is much more
valuable than information you might read in a book or on the
internet. When you actually know an individual or group, then
you know if they actually walk the walk, or if the information they are sharing is
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We must bring our People
together at regional gatherings and with face-to-face visits, so
that Heathen kindreds, families, and individuals can build bonds,
work together, learn from each other, and come to personal
understandings of each other that helps prevent needless
The only
true way to know a person, is to meet them face-to-face and spend
time with them. It can't happen on a message board or social
networking site. We must encourage Heathen kindreds, families,
and individuals to gather together at face-to-face events, and get
to know one another. These events build friendships and
alliances. They encourage the exchange of information and
ideas between people that actually know each other, and this
exchange will drive our Folkway forward. These gatherings also
build trust between Heathens, and this trust helps prevent or diffuse unnecessary conflicts among
The more
often Heathens are able to gather together, the more their
friendships and trust will grow. The more often they can
gather, the more opportunities there are for them to exchange
information, work together, and assist one another. So from a
practical standpoint, regional gatherings must be our focus.
Here in the Midwest, many of us can travel and attend gatherings
around the region 5 to 6 times a year, or more. We see our
friends around the region every month or every other month. In
this context, the bonds between Heathens in our region are
relatively strong. It is impossible for this same frequency of
interaction to happen on a widespread basis on the
other Heathen kindreds, families, and individuals at regional
gatherings also inspires an increase in travel and personal visits
between Heathens within the region. Both the gatherings and
personal visits encourage the next generation of Heathens, our
children, to play together, learn together, and build friendships
and trust. As our children across the region grow into adult
Heathens, they will already know each other and share bonds that
will serve their own families and kindreds, and the region as
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We must put regional
organizational structures in place that encourage positive
cooperation between Heathen kindreds, families, and individuals in
the region, while also respecting the autonomy and independence of
those involved.
The goal is to engender a
sense of unified purpose across the region without requiring or
attempting to enforce unified orthodoxy or orthopraxy. As
bonds of trust grow and deepen across the region, alliances and
formalized methods of interaction and cooperation can be put into
This requires everyone involved looking
to the
similarities they share with others, rather than harping and
fighting over their differences. The leaders of the participating
kindreds and families, must be mature and reasonable enough to
accept that beliefs and practices among Heathens will differ, and that this
Whatever method of formalized
organization is put in place, it is important that the
autonomy of every involved kindred and family is
respected. A Thing structure or loose confederation of
kindreds and families, allows each kindred to participate,
contribute ideas, and partner with other kindreds and families
in the region without any one person being in
charge. Strong independent kindreds can then participate, communicate, collaborate,
and support one another, without any one kindred or
person being "in charge." This maintains the grassroots tribal nature
of our native Folkway, and avoids top-down organization, dogma, and divisions among
People. |
A Thing
structure of loose confederation of kindreds and families must be
based on face-to-face meetings and interaction. This is most
easily done at regional gatherings of our Folk. The telephone
and internet can be used for communication between gatherings, but
without the foundation of real face-to-face conversations and relationships, organizational efforts are unlikely
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We must acquire at the
local level tribal land where we can establish Hofs and Halls as a
regional gathering place for our People.
In this
early stage of the reconstruction of our Folkway, Heathens tend to
gather in each other's living rooms and finished basements. As
local kindred's and the Heathen communities around them grow,
gathering in someone's home becomes increasingly crowded and
difficult. When multiple kindreds and families gather in any
sort of numbers, we are forced to rent a campground, or reserve
space in a hall or hotel. Logistically, it makes sense that we
should move toward establishing at the local level, facilities for gathering that we own
There is
a sense of permanence that comes with acquiring tribal land, and
establishing holy places and halls in which to gather as a
People. These local hofs and halls become a gathering point
for Heathens in the local community, and an important destination
for Heathens in the surrounding region. Events can be
held there. Weddings. Funerals. Coming of age
rituals. A burial ground for Heathens can be set aside, so
that we can honor our dead in the ways that we wish. Imagine
for a moment three hofs and halls in your region, and what that
could do for face-to-face Heathenry and regional efforts.
Imagine a few years later, there being ten such gathering places,
and what that would do to advance
Most hof
and hall locations would be suburban or rural in their surroundings,
while a few might border on an urban environment. These
locations could offer religions activities and workshops, but there
is also an opportunity to offer traditional craft classes and
cultural events that would draw in members of our Folk that have not
yet found their way home to Heathenry. The only organizational
structure that has the resources, man-power, and motivations to
establish tribal land on the local level, are kindreds. Very
few individuals or families could ever afford to establish and
maintain a facility of this nature. Loose-knit Heathen
communities usually do not have the structure or unity to
successfully mount the effort, or maintain it. National
Organizations may one day establish a national headquarters or
gathering point, but it is unlikely that it will be in your local
area. (And it most certainly won't be in the Midwest).
For the Eighth Worthy Step to happen, it will take the work of
kindred or local group that is able to establish tribal land and to
build a hof and hall will be leaving an amazing foundation for their
Heathen children and the next generation of Heathens to
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We must pass onto the next
generation of Heathens and Asatruar a solid foundation upon which to
grow and develop our native Folkway far beyond what we were able to
are rebuilding our native
Folkway against incredible odds. The world-view, as well as the
religious and spiritual perspectives, of our People were
drastically changed by the Christian conversion. The beliefs
and practices of our Ancestors were suppressed and
buried, so much so that the vast majority of
our People do not even know that they are
following a foreign religion that was methodically and successfully
forced upon us. That leaves us often reconstructing our
Folkway from bits and scraps of information. It leaves us
in the position of an "alternative religion," and a rather small one
But against these
difficulties, we put a determined will and enormously hard-work
to the task at hand. The final, and probably
most important step, is that we leave our children
and the next generation of Heathens in a better place
than we find ourselves. Success at the previous 8 steps will accomplish
goal. |
If when we are done, there are more Heathens, more
Heathen families, larger Heathen communities, more Kindreds, better
sharing of practical information, bigger and better regional
gatherings, a regional organizational structure that helps everyone
involved, and hofs and halls on tribal land here and there across
the landscape, then our children and the next generation will be
able to take our Folkway places that is likely impossible for us to achieve in
this also means teaching our children and giving them the knowledge
and the tools to be better at this than we are. They aren't
coming to Heathenry 20 or 40 years into their life. If we are
doing our job, then they are being raised within a family, a
community, and a kindred that lives Heathenry. They are
immersed in our world-view, and participating in its reconstruction
from an early age. These young Heathens will have plans
and goals that are completely beyond us. They will have a
drive and determination that will shame us, if we live long enough
to see what they accomplish. They are our partners in what we
do...they are the next leg of the race...and we need to give them
the best start we are capable of
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Are there other deeds that can grow
and strengthen our native Folkway? Of course there are.
These worthy steps reflect the focus of my kindred, and other
like-minded tribal kindreds. These steps were carefully chosen
to express the vision behind the work we do. We are utterly
dedicated to making progress on these steps. They were also
carefully put into an order that shows the natural progression that
often occurs on the local and
steps are never-ending, or cyclical, in nature. Even if you
are attending regional gatherings and visiting other Heathens in
your region (Step Six), you are still attempting to attract new
Heathen individuals of worth (Step One) and attempting to involved
families in your efforts (Step Two), and so on. Even when we
reach the point where the next generation takes the reins (Step
Nine), the next generation will still be working on the previous
eight steps, maintaining, improving, and building upon the foundation we
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